Friday, April 4, 2014

sebuah alasan untuk menangis...

8 November 2009 at 09:12
I could never cry in front of her,
in front of ibu...
for I've been keeping my promise,
I will always keep my heart young, strong and wise for you, ibu...
but the tears finally shed,
when ibu said,

" ibu bisa ga tidur kalo 'melihat' kamu... ",

what's the point of keeping strong,
while the reason she's been crying is I... all along,
then the tears just shed,
like I used to in my loneliness,
in the crowd of smoke and steam of coffee,
like in absolutes of the universe,
in my middle of nowhere,
like I used to in front of my perfect almost endless lover,
or simply in my humble room,
but today in front of my greatest exception person

then she should know of how fragile I am,
how ridiculous I've been through to those pain and hurt,
and I'm still alive...,breathing...
but only with already dead soul.

I said I cry for nothing,
I cry for no reason,
for the amnesia about how my life will be,
maybe for my confinement of thinking,
unable to reach the knowledge of universe,
thinking as a simply human,
a little thing as a reason to cry, don't you think ?!

"jangan sedih karena aku, kalau sudah memang jalanku begitu,
jalanku dari dulu memang lain, jangan Ibu terbebani karena pemikiran umum manusia,
kita pernah hidup susah dan kita bisa nikmatin, harusnya dengan kelebihan ibu jangan dilawan dengan pemikiran manusia biasa yang cuma bisa usaha keras tanpa melihat tanda dan akhirnya sama seperti yang diperlihatkan ke ibu. artinya kita sebagai manusia tidak berpikir. kenapa ga kita coba nikmatin aja, ga terbebani tapi tetap berbuat baik, karena kodrat manusia adalah berguna bagi sesama.
Mungkin yang aku tangisi adalah keterbatasan aku berpikir sebagai manusia "

- humble room : 0811'09, sunday morning with swollen eyes -

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