Feeling is your sixth sense. Called clairsentient (clear feeling), your inner voice is one that touches on your empathetic nature. What does this mean? Well, you're probably the most emotional of your friends and you are very in touch with the feelings of others.
As a clairsentient, you often know something is wrong because you experience an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach (or the opposite for good things). It might be that your friend has had a bad day--but hasn't told anyone--and somehow you just know what's going on. Often this type of intuitive knowledge cannot be explained.
We bet you've got a bunch of friends, and who wouldn't want a friend that just knows without being told...especially on those bad days.
take the quiz
Clairsentience (also know as psychometry) is the ability to hold an object or touch someone and sense the energy surrounding that person, place or thing. A clairsentient is an individual who is empathetic and senses energies. Energies can be light or heavy, smooth or abrasive, prickly or gentle, peaceful and airy or good or bad. For example, when sensing a negative situation a clairsentient may feel sick, while a positive experience may feel like butterflies in the stomach, or a sense of feeling safe, peaceful and light. Learning to discern positive and negative energies can make all the difference when making decisions in life.
Spiritual advisors and counselors use clairsentience to feel and sense the information and thought-forms in energy fields. The information about the nature of energies is revealed in colors, lightness, darkness, or emotions such as joy or sadness. Sometimes clairsentients experience a sense of movement or stillness, relaying past, present and future life events. This ability is known to be essential for healers, counselors and therapists, or anyone who works with people - especially a psychic or spiritual advisor.
We are all born with this particular psychic ability. It's learning to regulate and protect the gift of sensing moods and emotions thats the tricky part! Aside from being honest and naïve, as children we are very open and tuned into the psychic world. As we grow older and experience life, to avoid trauma or negative experiences, we develop a thick skin, sheltering ourselves as we begin to interact with people other than the familiar circle of family and friends. These psychic gifts are often unconsciously left on the shelf, but fortunately they can be restored later life through spiritual development or during life-altering experiences.
To use clairsentience for yourself, or improve your connection with Psychic Source advisors who can use this gift on your behalf, it is important to listen to your internal feelings, impressions and sensations. Be aware of and communicate the physical and emotional responses from your gut instincts. By using clairsentience you can make sound decisions in all facets of life from love and relationships to career and spiritual development.
Clairsentience is the discipline of extending or projecting ones senses beyond the physical body.There are essentially only two varieties of Clairsentience: Sense Extension and Sense Projection. In its Latent form, clairsentience manifests as brief smells, sounds, or sights. These sensations are either just out of normal sensory range (such as just around a corner or on the other side of a door, or just over a hilltop), or are connected in some very familiar way to the psychic. A psychic child, for example, might "overhear" his mother talking about him while she is visiting a neighbor, for example, or might "just know" that his older brother was hiding up in the hayloft, without ever seeing or hearing him. This kind of "sixth sense" is often confused with latent manifestations of ESP, since the two are often indistinguishable to inexperienced latent psychics. The two are very different in actuality. ESP is an added "sense" which manifests, especially among latent psychics, as an intrusion onto the normal physical senses. Clairsentience will not detect anything that the psychics normal senses would not detect if the psychic were present at another location. For example, a blind man cannot see using Clairsentience, because he lacks the sense of sight. He could hear using Clairsentience, however, so long as he wasn't deaf as well.
Sense Extension
Sense Extension is the ability to extend ones senses a short distance from one�s body in order to overcome some barrier to normal sensing. In order to use Sense Extension, only barriers to sensing other than distance may limit the psychic. For example, a psychic is hiding behind a door. By using Sense Extension, the psychic can see what is on the other side of the door, or even what is in the next room or on the next floor, because if the intervening door, walls, or ceiling/floor were not in the way, the psychic would be able to see that far. The senses of hearing, smell, and even touch can be similarly extended (although extending the sense of touch has a much more limited application - feeling the texture and shape of something without removing the covering or wrapping, for example).
Sense Extension:
Default Difficulty Routine (4)
Marginal Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within the Primary Zone.
Complete Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within the Secondary Zone.
Superior Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within normal sensory distance.
Extraordinary Success : The psychic may extend up to two senses anywhere within normal sensory distance.
Mythic Success : The psychic may extend up to three senses (typically sight, hearing, and smell) anywhere within normal sensory distance.
Experiencing other realities or entites through one or more of the five senses.
A tickling sensation on the hand or face during meditation.
A pressure on the top of the head when talking or connecting with a Spirit.
Hairs on the back of the neck standing on end when a spirit is near.
A sensation in the left side of the face when talking with spirit.
A floral smell...like gardenias.
Funny how smokers - especially cigar smokers - can be experienced as spirits by the smell of a "good cigar"!
A movement as a flick of white, purple, or blue light.
Seeing shadows in the periphery of your field of vision.
Sense Projection
Sense Projection is the ability to project ones senses far away from ones body. In order to do so, the psychic must meet one of two criteria. The psychic must be very familiar with a specific location, or must be very familiar with a specific person or object. If the psychic can locate a person using ESP, the difficulty for using Sense Projection is reduced by one for each level of success above Marginal on the ESP trial.
Once the psychic has projected her senses to a location, she can sense things as if she were actually present at that location, subject to the limits imposed by the Degree of Success she attains. With higher degrees of success come increasing clarity of sensation and control over perception.
Use of Sense Projection requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Sense Projection Trial.
Sense Projection
Default Difficulty Moderate (9)
Marginal Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person, but the resulting sensory impressions are very vague and blurry.
Complete Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person, but the resulting sensory impressions are generally vague and blurry. Up to one sense will be slightly clearer.
Superior Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are generally vague, except for one sense, which will be very clear.
Extraordinary Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are somewhat blurry, except for two senses, which will be very clear.
Mythic Success The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are clear.
Clairsentient is the term that is used to describe a psychic’s powerful sense of touch. This sense of touch allows a psychic or medium to feel what is happening around them in a house or in a specific area. Most psychics with this ability find it hard to be in areas that are near churches or cemeteries, both new and old. It is believed that after some are laid in to the ground, their spirit will roam the grounds in search of others who they know or simply because they have not accepted the fact that they have died. A psychic with clairsentient abilities will also allow them to transfer good feelings from a healthy person to a sick person.
Another ability of the clairsentient
A Clairsentient is an individual who perceives (as in a "sixth-sense") by feeling or having knowledge about an object. A good example of this extreme psychic ability is that a clairsentient is able to visualize an item without seeing an image of the specific item. Like a radar detector, a clairsentient possesses the internal power to see and feel radiation from objects that are invisible and out of site. A clairsentient can read "auras" of people and objects to discover their personal histories. In doing so, a clairsentient can sometimes see visions of the future. Not only this, a clairsentient can even sense the presence of spirits and discover events surrounding that individual's death.
A matter of fact, each person has at one time or another in his/her life experienced a clairsentient incident. Have you ever sensed a feeling that the doorbell was going to ring and you've walked toward the door just before it did? Or perhaps you've met a stranger and for unknown reasons, you know exacting facts about that person before you've ever seen or spoken with him? Another good example of clairsentient behavior would be that suddenly you've altered your destination or passage to that specific area. Instinctively, you've modified your usual routine and in doing so, you may have unwittingly averted a possible hazard. These are all clairsentient phenomenon.
Every person has clairsentient abilities; the key to self-discovery is to hone in on the particulars of an event prior to its occurrence. What prompted your "inner-sense," or what happened just before the incident transpired? These are questions that can be addressed by simply keeping track of clairsentient phenomena in a small notebook or journal.
Many people quickly discard clairsentient incidents as coincidence or perhaps they lack the recognizance of the behavior. If you are interested in learning whether you may possess clairsentient knowledge or if you'd just like to write about a clairsentient event in your life, feel free to submit your experience or contact one of our business members who can assist you in developing your clairsentient abilities further.
How To Develop The Abilities
Developing Clairsentience
The Way Brain Works in Clairsentience
so... are you a clairsentient ???
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